Monday, April 2, 2012


It has come to my attention that America  is being faced with its greatest threat yet. You are probably thinking to yourself is it the state of our finances? Well thats close but not quite the greatest threat. Your second guess would be preemptive strike from Canada. I don't think we need to fear this either because all they are interested in is hockey and Molson. Your third guess would probably be the eradication of salt from all our foods, and you would be right. Just go to your local store, and look at all the canned foods and stuff. Every thing has labels on claiming less salt, or sodium free. I broke out in tears when I saw spam reduced in salt by 25%. Well I decided that this could only mean one thing, and that is terrorist have taken over all the salt factories. I came to this conclusion because every time gas goes up the government blames it on the middle east.  Every one knows that all the terrorist come from the middle east. Except for the Irish terrorist people, and they don't care about gas or salt, matter of fact no one has any idea on what they want, they probably just like blowing stuff up. Anyways to get back to the point I figure that if we are having a salt shortage, it can only be blamed on salt hijacking terrorists. So I say we demand that our government see to it that these salt factories and taken back and placed the safe hands of the American people. We must stop this before these sick people get the courage to attack our Tasty-kake, Little Debbie, and Twinky making places.    


  1. Abram, your writing is so stupid its funny. I enjoy the clever stupidity though. It makes me feel good about myself:)

  2. Your poll is unclear as to whether or not we are voting that
    A. your journal is interesting
    B. we feel sorry for you
    please try again.
    I just read it because I find it amusing!

  3. I have to admit that its interesting to see what you post, but I do feel sorry for you. Your thinking seems a bit twisted.
