Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Don't think pleasant thoughts

I had the privileged of reading A William Wordsworth poem for my literature course. The work they selected was called Lines written in Early Spring. Now to me that sounds like a happy joy joy kind crap that we are use to. It begins by talking about how he sat in a grove and heard thousands of blended notes. Then it gets real strange. He then states that this brings pleasant thoughts to mind, and that the pleasant thoughts bring sad thoughts. That kind of defeats the purpose of pleasant thoughts. Now I will be paranoid every time I think of puppies, rainbows, and turkeyhill ice cream. Me and these poets have something in common neither of us proof read our writing to see if it actually makes sense. So I justify myself by thinking that these guys got published and they didn't make sense, and I am not published so I must be pretty good (for a non published guy). Then to top things off Lord Bryon begins his poem Darkness by stating "I had a dream, which was not at all a dream". So what I understand is that he said all that just to inform us he didn't have a dream. Either that or contradicting ones self is common in poetry. I am sure there is some explanation for Lord Bryon's intro, but to sit and think about it is a waste of my time. So is writing this blog.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Absense is golden

It concerns me that Eli is no longer posting new material on his blog. Matter of fact he is not posting any material on his blog. His absence leads me to on conclusion, he had his 19th nervous breakdown, and was committed to a institution. I always find that term committed funny or example,"I made a commitment to go to a asylum". Doesn't make sense. here is one that does,"I was forcible placed in the custody of a mental institution". Though when you look at it whether you want to or not you are committed to staying the duration of your visit to the asylum. So Eli, who is most likely ashamed of this, is using the excuse that his blog is experiencing technical difficulties. Bad excuse, a more feasible excuse would be a sick goat, or that he contracted mad cow disease, or his brothers broke his typing hand(s). So I would ask that every one write get well letters in his comment place. Not that his presence is necessary but it is nice to have a free comical target to practice lame jokes on. Here's one, A Eli walks into a goat the person behind him ducks ba dum dum. Not really funny right? It was just to prove my point, I was not liable to make you laugh, I HAVE NO LEGAL TIES TO YOU, I AM A FREE MAN. Maybe the fact that they're not funny makes them funny or just pathetic. Anyhow I am sure that Eli will be released any day now. When he returns we don't need to mention that I revealed his real reason for his blogging leave.