Thursday, September 13, 2012

The government made me do it

The most annoying part of the school year is always the first week of orientation. It seems that over this period of time the teachers find that it is necessary to try and inspire and motivate that students to love school. I find that vocal motivation is pretty much as useless as a paraplegic tap dancer. I find that motivation is better when it involves following a jogger around with a bull dozer. Well, to get back on topic in my first class the teacher asked a question along the lines of, "what are some words that describe what motivates us to be successful in school. At first I thought of some words like determination, organization, and a bunch more that would have been text book answers. Well after I noticed they were all used I had to be more creative. So the first thing that came to my mind was government required. Well the teacher started reading of the answers that us students gave her and commenting how each one was a great answer. Then she got to mine, there was a slight pause and she said something along the lines of, "ummmm, well yes that is another reason". After this she showed us the list that she had created. Many of the words other students had used where one it. Well I couldn't resist asking why Government required wasn't on that list. I forget how the teacher answered that question, but it was somewhere along the lines that government required is not a healthy motivational tool for students. Obviously she doesn't have much of a sense of humor. Well I decided that my goal for this school year is to make her laugh. Before any one mentions that my gaol is really lame, think of it this way its gunna be harder then getting an A.